Symmetry can be used as a fundamental design tool. Symmetry is used by man and nature as a device to add continuity, balance and harmony to a chaotic universe, its use in art and design, consequently, attains an aesthetic of order and familiarity.
Ian Chadwick has a background in sculpture and stained-glass window design, disciplines which he applies to his constantly evolving range of kiln-formed glass art.
The glass Ian produces uses rotational symmetry as a tool to achieve patterns which exhibit a hypnotic, op-art effect. Ian uses kiln-forming techniques to produce sheets of striped, coloured glass which are then deconstructed and reconstructed into symmetrical patterns. These patterns embody Ian’s interest in the esoteric art of sacred geometry, commonly used in the rose windows of cathedrals and spiritual visual devices or Mandalas, used by religions and cultures throughout time. These arrangements are then kiln-fired and extensively cold worked with diamond abrasives to produce the finished piece.
“The Mandala is an archetypal image whose occurrence is attested throughout the ages. It signifies the wholeness of the self.” C G Jung
“There must be a transconscious disposition in every individual which is able to produce the same or very similar symbols at all times and in all places. Since this disposition is usually not a conscious possession of the individual I have called it the collective unconscious.” C G Jung
Visit the GALLERY to view a selection of my work.